【普全周推 • 第12期】


Interpretation, as a language communication activity, aims to help people across cultures and borders achieve barrier free communication. With the development of globalization, interpretation is playing an increasingly important role in fields such as business, politics, and culture. So, how is interpretation conducted? This article will reveal the mysteries of interpretation from a professional perspective.


Interpretation is divided into two types: simultaneous interpretation and alternating interpretation. Simultaneous interpretation, as the name suggests, refers to the process in which an interpreter translates while the speaker is speaking, allowing the audience to understand the content of the speech in real time. And alternate interpretation refers to the speaker and interpreter speaking alternately, and after each part of the content is said, the interpreter immediately translates it into the target language. These two interpretation methods each have their own characteristics and are suitable for different scenarios and needs.



To become an excellent interpreter, one needs to possess rich vocabulary, solid language skills, and good psychological qualities. During the interpretation process, interpreters need to understand and accurately convey information in a very short amount of time, which places high demands on their reaction speed and comprehension ability. In addition, interpreters also need to possess certain cross-cultural communication skills in order to better understand and convey information from different cultural backgrounds.


In the actual interpretation process, interpreters usually follow some basic principles to ensure the accuracy and fluency of the translation. For example, they will try to maintain consistency in the grammar structure between the source language and the target language, so that the audience can understand more easily. At the same time, in order to avoid repetition and verbosity, translators will try to avoid using too many transitional words such as "then" and "then". When processing information such as numbers and dates, translators will make adjustments according to the habits of the target language, such as converting Arabic numerals into Chinese character representations.


In order to improve the level of interpretation, translators need to engage in extensive practice and summarization. They can continuously improve their skills by participating in training courses, observing the performance of excellent translators, and accumulating practical experience. In addition, translators also need to pay attention to current affairs news and learn professional knowledge in order to better cope with various types of translation tasks.


Interpretation is a highly specialized language service that requires translators to possess rich language knowledge, good psychological qualities, and adaptability. Through continuous learning and practice, translators can gradually master the skills and methods of interpretation, making contributions to promoting international communication.